Voluntary industry plastic packaging initiative

In January 2019 A.I.S.E. opened its voluntary initiative on plastic packaging for signature. This initiative aims to increase the uptake of recycled content in plastic packaging over the next years. The participation in this industry initiative is open to all companies, whether or not they are members of A.I.S.E. and its National Association members.  

Committed to ambitious targets

The industry commits to the following goals by 2025 

  1. A minimum of 20% volume of recycled plastic material in the packaging of all household products in the A.I.S.E. portfolio 
  2. Ensuring that all plastic packaging for household products can be recyclable, reusable or compostable
A.I.S.E. will monitor progress over the years and will foster exchange of best practices, collaboration in the value chain as well as providing guidance to the industry at large.

The following companies have signed up to the initiative since January 2019: BlueSun, Bolton ManitobaColgate-PalmoliveHenkelHolluMadelProcter & GambleRBSC JohnsonUnilever

A full project description explaining how to deploy this commitment and the Letter of Commitment for companies to sign up to this initiative are available below.  If you wish to join the initiative, please return the signed letter of committment to at A.I.S.E., Boulevard du Souverain 165, 1160 Brussels, Belgium, or send an e-mail to aise.main@aise.eu, to the attention of the Legal team .

In order to better understand the initiative, the following material is also available:

In addition to this ambitious commitment, the industry is also working on sector-wide principles for sustainable packaging design. These guidelines aim to support all companies to design sustainable packaging by considering the latest developments, existing codes of practices and standards regarding recyclability.