Keep Caps from Kids - Consumer Education Campaign


Keep Caps from KidsThe "Keep Caps from Kids” (KCFK) campaign for liquid laundry detergent capsules is a voluntary initiative by of A.I.S.E.. Initiated in 2014 and relaunched in 2017 with a new creative concept, this campaign aims to provide concrete advice to parents and people looking after young children to ensure the safe use of liquid laundry detergent capsules under the headline: "Keep Caps from Kids – learn how to prevent kids from being hurt”.

Developed and implemented by the detergent industry across Europe, this campaign encourages any partner (e.g. related industries such as retailers) and other relevant stakeholders (e.g. consumer NGOs, ministries of health, Poison Control Centres, associations of paediatricians) to make it their own campaign by using the "KEEP CAPS FROM KIDS” communications toolkit available from the website.  We are glad to count on the support of more than 15 partners including the European Child Safety Alliance, several Ministries, public health agencies (from e.g. Portugal, Poland, UK, Denmark, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Luxembourg), and a number of Poison Control Centres (e.g. Belgium, Italy).

KCFK website

The central campaign tool is the Keep Caps from Kids multi-lingual web portal which contains concrete advice on how to prevent kids from being hurt by using capsules safely and storing them out of the reach of children in a video, infographics, articles, questions and answers and a photo gallery. A toolkit is also available to all campaign partners to help spread the safety message. 

KCFK campaign outline

  • Product scope: The campaign focuses on the safe use of "liquid laundry detergent capsules", in other words, any liquid laundry detergent contained in a water soluble wrapper. This includes auxiliary laundry washing products.
  • Geographic scope: EU 27 + 7 (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, United Kingdom)
  • Campaign overview

KCFK campaign material available

  • Animated (60 sec) video
  • Main campaign visual
  • Infographics on safe use and in case of emergency
  • Banner with safe use icon
  • Keep away from children (5 sec) animation 


  • 1 July 2014: Project opened for commitment to partners
  • August 2014 >: Activation of the campaign (wave 1)
  • September 2017 >: Second edition of the campaign (wave 2) 

KCFK campaign partners

The campaign is open to all stakeholders across Europe who wish to help spread the safety message. A.I.S.E. is keen to encourage more partners to join the campaign to promote safe use and safe storage practices. 
  • Partners are not required to be members of A.I.S.E. or a national detergents association
  • Partners have access to the campaign toolkit free of charge, to use it in their own communications channels
  • All partners are promoted on the central KCFK website
Partners may include:

  • Institutional organisations: e.g. non-governmental organisations, academia or national authorities (e.g. child safety organisations consumer  NGOs, ministries of health, poison control centres, associations of paediatricians)
  • Companies manufacturing and/or placing on the market household liquid laundry detergents capsules 
  • Retailers selling household liquid laundry detergents capsules (either branded or private label products)
  • Suppliers, for business to business companies which may be related to this sector

More information / How to join

For more information on the Keep Caps from Kids campaign, please consult the full project description below. If you wish to join the campaign as a partner, please send an email to A.I.S.E. indicating your support for the Keep Caps From Kids campaign and its requirements, as outlined this Project Description (KCFK 2017).

Current sponsors and partners 

List of committed sponsor companies  (since September 2017)

List of campaign partners (since September 2017)
Poison Control Centres in Belgium; Denmark; Italy

Suppliers & manufacturers: Monosol; reer (DE); Careli (ES); BlueSun 

For further information on the campaign, please contact Dave Hemingway or Zivile Kairyte